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Honors Program
East Asian Studies
The Honors Program in East Asian Studies is open to seniors majoring in EAS with a 3.7 GPA or above. It supports students who conceptualize, research, and write a senior thesis on a topic of their choice related to East Asian studies. Students take two independent study courses their senior year (EAS 495A adn 495B) under the guidance of a mentoring professor.
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
The Honors Program in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies is open to seniors majoring in REES with a 3.7 GPA or above. It supports students who conceptualize, research, and write a senior thesis on a topic of their choice related to REES. Students take two independent study courses their senior year (REES 495A and REES 495B) under the guidance of a mentoring professor.