Cheryl CrowleyDepartmental Chair and Associate Professor, Japanese Language and Literature
I teach courses on Japanese and East Asian literature and culture. My main research interests are the literature and art of the early modern period in Japan (1603-1868), and most of my publications focus on haikai, the ancestor of modern haiku.
I am the former director of the Emory East Asian Studies Program, past president of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, and associated faculty of the Emory Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
JPN 190 - Freshman Seminar: Introduction to East Asian Studies
CHN/JPN/EAS - 210 Chinese Calligraphy
JPN/EAS 270 - Introduction to Japanese Culture
JPN/EAS/ENVS 275 - Nature and Culture in Japan
JPN/EAS/WS 361 - Tale of Genji: Sensuality and Salvation
JPN/EAS 362 - Samurai, Shôguns, and Women Warriors
ARTHIST/JPN/EAS 362 - Literary and Visual Culture in Japan